What is ERDF?

The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) was set up in 1975 to stimulate economic development in less prosperous regions of the European Union. As the EU’s membership has grown, ERDF has developed into a major instrument for helping to redress regional imbalances. Gibraltar has benefited from ERDF since 1994. During 2000 – 2006 Gibraltar was allocated over €8.7 million. Between 2007 and 2013, Gibraltar benefited from an investment of €5.8 million of ERDF. For the 2014-2020 Programming Period Gibraltar has been allocated €5.68 million to be delivered under the Investment for Growth & Jobs Goal.

Vision & Aims of the Programme:

The vision of this Programme is European Structural Funds Investments will help strengthen Gibraltar’s entrepreneurial base and assist in sustainable growth in a low-carbon economy.

The aims of the Programme are:

  1. To stimulate and create an environment supportive of a demand-led and market-driven economy, especially through the creation and growth of SMEs; to target investments to improve access to the labour market; and assist businesses to promote sustainable development, both horizontally in all actions and vertically through specific actions to support the transition to a high value-added and low carbon economy.

  2. To stimulate the production of renewable energies with the inherent benefits to the consumer, the environment and the community.

This strategy takes account of the evidence base, current local policy practice, and the views of partners and stakeholders in Gibraltar. Its purpose is to focus future interventions to promote high quality, strategically aligned projects which are coordinated with domestic programmes. This approach will assist Gibraltar to maximise the added value of future interventions and through that, achieve its Programme goals.

Priorities for the Structural Funds will be focused on actions which lead to the aims and objectives set out in the strategy. These intend to capitalise on the opportunities for growth for Gibraltar. The programming considerations will help to focus Structural Funds actions on those areas which are shown to have a clear impact as part of a wider regional economical approach.

The Programme has been developed through extensive consultations with representatives from public, private & NGO sectors.

Expected Impact of Investments:

The Programme is expected to deliver a series of results, including:

  • Increasing the number of SMEs in the economy by 15% and;
  • Increasing the amount of renewable energy produced to 1.25% of the total energy production.
  • Delivery

    The EU Programmes Secretariat has responsibility for ERDF funds in Gibraltar. The EUPS manages the ERDF Programme and liaises with the Department for Business, Innovation & Skills (BIS) in the UK and the European Commission in Brussels.

    Who can apply and for what?

    Any legally registered company, business or sole trader operating in Gibraltar can access EU funds. The areas of activity that are NOT eligible for EU funding include;

  • Wholesaling.
  • Retailing.
  • Financial Services &
  • Mobile Investments.
  • Funding is available amongst other things for the :-

  • Creation & expansion of innovative & sustainable businesses;
  • Production and dirtribution of energy derived from renewable sources.
  • How to apply?

    Any potential applicant should in the first instance contact the EU Funding Advisor at the EU Programmes Secretariat in order to establish if the proposed activity is eligible for funding and to develop a project in accordance with Structural Funds Regulations.
